A Complete Set of Sailing Rig Plans! For TWO kinds of rigs!
Forty-nine pages of drawings, text, detailed colour photos, materials lists, and more! We've combined the information from over forty years of designing, building, testing, tweaking, and tuning our rigs, and we've included the rig diagrams for several projects in ONE place!
You can compare and modify the designs to suit your own needs, too! If you are looking to experiment with a different kind of rig for your boat, or maybe have found an inexpensive hull with nosailing rig and you'd like to get it going, these plans can help!
Our new Sailing Rig plans include the information for two VERY WELL TESTED sail plans: A Gaff rig and a Lateen rig.
The Gaff Rig includes BOTH the wood spar Weekender rig and the Carbon Fiber spar version for the Super-Skipjack! This is a 120sqft rig, 90 sqft in the Main and 30sqft in the Jib.
The Lateen Rig is based on the classic aluminium-tube spar design we've used in a dozen of our designs. It's light, strong, and easy to make and sail! This rig could be used on Sunfish hulls, Lasers, all sorts of small dinghies and sailboat hulls. We've used it on several boats and a few sailcar designs, too! This is a 75sqft sail.
Get your set of plans today!