Modified Pocket Cruiser, Helmut Klein , South Africa
Here are some shots of Mr. Klein's 18' Pocket Cruiser finished! It turned out great, and he really enjoys how it sails.
Mr. Klein sent us this picture of his nearly completed Pocket Cruiser. We're looking forward to the launch photos!
Pocket Cruiser, Helmut
Klein , South Africa
We're getting a pretty international group of Pocket Cruiser builders! Mr. Klien is building his Pocket Cruiser about 10 percent larger than the plans show. He is making good progress, and hopes to be ready to go well before Spring of 2000!
Each of the photos above is a link to a larger version of the picture for more detail. Thanks to Mr. Klein, and we look forward to more pictures in the future!
Cruiser, Chris
Treloar , Australia
Mr. Treloar's Pocket Cruiser has seen a lot of sailing! It holds the record for Greatest Distance Sailed in one of our designs, and we think it may also hold the Longest Time Abord award as well! We decided to make a separate page to let everyone read Chris' letter and see his shots.
Click Here or on the picture above to see Mr. Treloar's letter and photos!
This page showcases the work of our Vacationer and Pocket Cruiser
builders. We do, however, have a special page set aside just below
for the current winner of the "Nicest Vacationer" award.
We're always on the lookout for new entries to The Weekender
Book Of Records, so send us your pics and stories!
Click here to see Mr. Donald Lassiter's
Very Nice Vacationer.