Vacationer, Mr. Robert Taylor, Texas
Mr. Taylor's boat Sultana is just beautiful, and there are so many good pictures we had to post them on a separate page!
Mr. Powers' Vacationer is a nice one, and he and his family have sent in some great shots. There were a bunch of good ones, so we put them on their own page.
Modified Pocket Cruiser, Dick Russell, MD
"Here are some pix of the 124% P.C. on the Chesapeake Bay.
It sails like an ocean liner. stay's perfectly flat in 12 knot breeze but
moves along well.
One pic shows a weekender (Johannah Fine) and a Skipjack (Tim Gilman) with
the P.C. on Tangier Sound, on the Wicomaco River.
Dick Russell
Commadore of the Chesapeake Fleet"
Dave Ruedel, KY
I like the look of this boat. Maybe the color? Who knows; it's nice.
Heavily Modified Pocket Cruiser,
George Tolan, Tirgu-Mures, Romania